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How to rest the counter of a Sequence Step subtrack?

0 votes
I'm integrating music using the reorchestration technique. I have a group track set to Sequence Step that contains three subtracks. The behavior happening is as follow:
- When I press play, the 1st subtrack plays.
- If I press stop while the 1st subtrack is still playing, the next time I press play again, the 2nd subtrack will play.

Is there a way that I could rest the counter in a way that when I press play, the subtracks will be replayed as if it was the first time that the music ways played (regardless of where it was when it stoped)? In this case, the rest would make the music start back with the 1st subtrack.

When I'm integrating a music that has a lot of Sequence Step subtracks, I want to be able to easily hear it as the player will hear it in the game the first time it will be played. It would be great if the "Rest All" button in the Transport control could rest the Sequence Step count.
asked Mar 16, 2021 in Feature Requests by Maxime G. (130 points)

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