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License error when generating SoundBanks in Unity despite having added the correct license in Wwise. What do I do? [closed]

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This is a question sent to us from elsewhere and shared here to benefit everyone.  

If you have correctly obtained a license (like the academic license needed for Wwise 251 and 301) but you are still getting the following error...

"No license for ____ plugin. Please contact to obtain a license."

... when generating SoundBanks from Unity, please try the following.

  1. In Unity, go to Edit > Wwise Settings and inspect the Wwise Project Path. This is the Wwise Project that will be referenced when clicking the Generate SoundBanks button. 
  2. In Unity's Project window, Right-Click the Asset folder and choose Open in Explorer. 
  3. Now follow the same steps as in the Wwise Project Path. (two periods means navigating upwards/backward).
  4. Open the Wwise Project > License Manager and ensure the correct license is added. 

If this does not help, please do reach out to sales to make sure your license is good. Keep in mind, certification licenses will have to be approved which can take up to 48 hours. 

closed with the note: This is a question sent to us from elsewhere and shared here to benefit everyone.
asked Jul 30, 2021 in General Discussion by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,060 points)
closed Jul 30, 2021 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic)