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Wwise-301 - Wwise Adventure Game 2019.1.11 fail to download

0 支持
Im about to start the Wwise-301 certification, but when I try to download the version of Wwise Adventure Game that is meant to be used (2019.1.11) in the certification, it fails to download.
The other versions of Wwise Adventure Game download without problems. It is only the one that is supposed to be used thorughout the Wwise-301 certification that fails.
Can you help me?

Niklas M. (100 ポイント) 2021 10/1 質問 General Discussion

回答 1

0 支持
Hey Niklas,

Just tried reproducing your problem, but it works just fine to me on both Mac and Windows. If the other versions work, I'm really surprised that the 2019.1.11 doesn't work for you.
Could you try deleting the Wwise Launcher folders from %appdata% (type this into your menu search on Windows) and restart the launcher? Otherwise, could you share your Wwise Launcher Log with us?
Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 ポイント) 2021 10/4 回答