

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*******************************************************************************
00002 The content of this file includes portions of the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
00003 released in source code form as part of the SDK installer package.
00005 Commercial License Usage
00007 Licensees holding valid commercial licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
00008 may use this file in accordance with the end user license agreement provided 
00009 with the software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a
00010 written agreement between you and Audiokinetic Inc.
00012 Apache License Usage
00014 Alternatively, this file may be used under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 
00015 "Apache License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the 
00016 Apache License. You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at 
00017 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
00019 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
00020 under the Apache License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES
00021 OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for
00022 the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00024   Version: <VERSION>  Build: <BUILDNUMBER>
00025   Copyright (c) <COPYRIGHTYEAR> Audiokinetic Inc.
00026 *******************************************************************************/
00028 // AkTypes.h
00033 #ifndef _AK_DATA_TYPES_H_
00034 #define _AK_DATA_TYPES_H_
00036 // Platform-specific section.
00037 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00038 #include <AK/AkPlatforms.h>
00041 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00043 #include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkSoundEngineExport.h>
00045 #ifndef NULL
00046     #ifdef __cplusplus
00047         #define NULL    0
00048     #else
00049         #define NULL    ((void *)0)
00050     #endif
00051 #endif
00053 #ifdef AK_USE_STD_ATOMIC
00054     // Apple, starting with iOS 10 and MacOS 10.12 is enforcing the type of objects on which we use Atomic Operations.
00055     #include <stdatomic.h>
00057     typedef _Atomic(AkInt32)    AkAtomic32;         
00058     typedef _Atomic(AkInt64)    AkAtomic64;         
00059     typedef _Atomic(AkUInt32)   AkAtomicU32;        
00060     typedef _Atomic(AkIntPtr)   AkAtomicPtr;        
00061 #else
00062     typedef AkInt32             AkAtomic32;         
00063     typedef AkInt64             AkAtomic64;         
00064     typedef AkUInt32            AkAtomicU32;        
00065     typedef AkIntPtr            AkAtomicPtr;        
00066 #endif
00068 typedef AkUInt32        AkUniqueID;                 
00069 typedef AkUInt32        AkStateID;                  
00070 typedef AkUInt32        AkStateGroupID;             
00071 typedef AkUInt32        AkPlayingID;                
00072 typedef AkInt32         AkTimeMs;                   
00073 typedef AkReal32        AkPitchValue;               
00074 typedef AkReal32        AkVolumeValue;              
00075 typedef AkUIntPtr       AkGameObjectID;             
00076 typedef AkReal32        AkLPFType;                  
00077 typedef AkInt32         AkMemPoolId;                
00078 typedef AkUInt32        AkPluginID;                 
00079 typedef AkUInt32        AkCodecID;                  
00080 typedef AkUInt32        AkAuxBusID;                 
00081 typedef AkInt16         AkPluginParamID;            
00082 typedef AkInt8          AkPriority;                 
00083 typedef AkUInt16        AkDataCompID;               
00084 typedef AkUInt16        AkDataTypeID;               
00085 typedef AkUInt8         AkDataInterleaveID;         
00086 typedef AkUInt32        AkSwitchGroupID;            
00087 typedef AkUInt32        AkSwitchStateID;            
00088 typedef AkUInt32        AkRtpcID;                   
00089 typedef AkReal32        AkRtpcValue;                
00090 typedef AkUInt32        AkBankID;                   
00091 typedef AkUInt32        AkFileID;                   
00092 typedef AkUInt32        AkDeviceID;                 
00093 typedef AkUInt32        AkTriggerID;                
00094 typedef AkUInt32        AkArgumentValueID;          
00095 typedef AkUInt32        AkChannelMask;              
00096 typedef AkUInt32        AkModulatorID;              
00097 typedef AkUInt32        AkAcousticTextureID;        
00098 typedef AkUInt32        AkDiffuseReverberatorID;    
00100 // Constants.
00101 static const AkPluginID                 AK_INVALID_PLUGINID                 = (AkPluginID)-1;       
00102 static const AkGameObjectID             AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT              = (AkGameObjectID)-1;   
00103 static const AkUniqueID                 AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID                =  0;                   
00104 static const AkRtpcID                   AK_INVALID_RTPC_ID                  =  AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID;
00105 static const AkUInt32                   AK_INVALID_LISTENER_INDEX           = (AkUInt32)-1;         
00106 static const AkPlayingID                AK_INVALID_PLAYING_ID               =  AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID;
00107 static const AkUInt32                   AK_DEFAULT_SWITCH_STATE             =  0;                   
00108 static const AkMemPoolId                AK_INVALID_POOL_ID                  = -1;                   
00109 static const AkMemPoolId                AK_DEFAULT_POOL_ID                  = -1;                   
00110 static const AkAuxBusID                 AK_INVALID_AUX_ID                   =  AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID;
00111 static const AkFileID                   AK_INVALID_FILE_ID                  = (AkFileID)-1;         
00112 static const AkDeviceID                 AK_INVALID_DEVICE_ID                = (AkDeviceID)-1;       
00113 static const AkBankID                   AK_INVALID_BANK_ID                  =  AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID;
00114 static const AkArgumentValueID          AK_FALLBACK_ARGUMENTVALUE_ID        =  0;                   
00115 static const AkChannelMask              AK_INVALID_CHANNELMASK              =  0;                   
00116 static const AkUInt32                   AK_INVALID_OUTPUT_DEVICE_ID         =  AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID;
00117 static const AkUInt32                   AK_MIXER_FX_SLOT                    = (AkUInt32)-1;         
00119 // Priority.
00120 static const AkPriority                 AK_DEFAULT_PRIORITY                 =  50;                  
00121 static const AkPriority                 AK_MIN_PRIORITY                     =  0;                   
00122 static const AkPriority                 AK_MAX_PRIORITY                     =  100;                 
00124 // Default bank I/O settings.
00125 static const AkPriority                 AK_DEFAULT_BANK_IO_PRIORITY         = AK_DEFAULT_PRIORITY;  
00126 static const AkReal32                   AK_DEFAULT_BANK_THROUGHPUT          = 1*1024*1024/1000.f;   
00128 // Bank version
00129 static const AkUInt32                   AK_SOUNDBANK_VERSION =              120;                    
00132 enum AKRESULT
00133 {
00134     AK_NotImplemented           = 0,    
00135     AK_Success                  = 1,    
00136     AK_Fail                     = 2,    
00137     AK_PartialSuccess           = 3,    
00138     AK_NotCompatible            = 4,    
00139     AK_AlreadyConnected         = 5,    
00140     AK_NameNotSet               = 6,    
00141     AK_InvalidFile              = 7,    
00142     AK_AudioFileHeaderTooLarge  = 8,    
00143     AK_MaxReached               = 9,    
00144     AK_InputsInUsed             = 10,   
00145     AK_OutputsInUsed            = 11,   
00146     AK_InvalidName              = 12,   
00147     AK_NameAlreadyInUse         = 13,   
00148     AK_InvalidID                = 14,   
00149     AK_IDNotFound               = 15,   
00150     AK_InvalidInstanceID        = 16,   
00151     AK_NoMoreData               = 17,   
00152     AK_NoSourceAvailable        = 18,   
00153     AK_StateGroupAlreadyExists  = 19,   
00154     AK_InvalidStateGroup        = 20,   
00155     AK_ChildAlreadyHasAParent   = 21,   
00156     AK_InvalidLanguage          = 22,   
00157     AK_CannotAddItseflAsAChild  = 23,   
00158     //AK_TransitionNotFound     = 24,   ///< The transition is not in the list.
00159     //AK_TransitionNotStartable = 25,   ///< Start allowed in the Running and Done states.
00160     //AK_TransitionNotRemovable = 26,   ///< Must not be in the Computing state.
00161     //AK_UsersListFull          = 27,   ///< No one can be added any more, could be AK_MaxReached.
00162     //AK_UserAlreadyInList      = 28,   ///< This user is already there.
00163     AK_UserNotInList            = 29,   
00164     AK_NoTransitionPoint        = 30,   
00165     AK_InvalidParameter         = 31,   
00166     AK_ParameterAdjusted        = 32,   
00167     AK_IsA3DSound               = 33,   
00168     AK_NotA3DSound              = 34,   
00169     AK_ElementAlreadyInList     = 35,   
00170     AK_PathNotFound             = 36,   
00171     AK_PathNoVertices           = 37,   
00172     AK_PathNotRunning           = 38,   
00173     AK_PathNotPaused            = 39,   
00174     AK_PathNodeAlreadyInList    = 40,   
00175     AK_PathNodeNotInList        = 41,   
00176     AK_VoiceNotFound            = 42,   
00177     AK_DataNeeded               = 43,   
00178     AK_NoDataNeeded             = 44,   
00179     AK_DataReady                = 45,   
00180     AK_NoDataReady              = 46,   
00181     AK_NoMoreSlotAvailable      = 47,   
00182     AK_SlotNotFound             = 48,   
00183     AK_ProcessingOnly           = 49,   
00184     AK_MemoryLeak               = 50,   
00185     AK_CorruptedBlockList       = 51,   
00186     AK_InsufficientMemory       = 52,   
00187     AK_Cancelled                = 53,   
00188     AK_UnknownBankID            = 54,   
00189     AK_IsProcessing             = 55,   
00190     AK_BankReadError            = 56,   
00191     AK_InvalidSwitchType        = 57,   
00192     AK_VoiceDone                = 58,   
00193     AK_UnknownEnvironment       = 59,   
00194     AK_EnvironmentInUse         = 60,   
00195     AK_UnknownObject            = 61,   
00196     AK_NoConversionNeeded       = 62,   
00197     AK_FormatNotReady           = 63,   
00198     AK_WrongBankVersion         = 64,   
00199     AK_DataReadyNoProcess       = 65,   
00200     AK_FileNotFound             = 66,   
00201     AK_DeviceNotReady           = 67,   
00202     AK_CouldNotCreateSecBuffer  = 68,   
00203     AK_BankAlreadyLoaded        = 69,   
00204     AK_RenderedFX               = 71,   
00205     AK_ProcessNeeded            = 72,   
00206     AK_ProcessDone              = 73,   
00207     AK_MemManagerNotInitialized = 74,   
00208     AK_StreamMgrNotInitialized  = 75,   
00209     AK_SSEInstructionsNotSupported = 76,
00210     AK_Busy                     = 77,   
00211     AK_UnsupportedChannelConfig = 78,   
00212     AK_PluginMediaNotAvailable  = 79,   
00213     AK_MustBeVirtualized        = 80,   
00214     AK_CommandTooLarge          = 81,   
00215     AK_RejectedByFilter         = 82,   
00216     AK_InvalidCustomPlatformName= 83,   
00217     AK_DLLCannotLoad            = 84    
00218 };
00221 enum AkGroupType
00222 {
00223     // should stay set as Switch = 0 and State = 1
00224     AkGroupType_Switch  = 0, 
00225     AkGroupType_State   = 1  
00226 };
00234 struct AkExternalSourceInfo
00235 {
00236     AkUInt32 iExternalSrcCookie;    
00237     AkCodecID idCodec;              
00238     AkOSChar * szFile;              
00239     void* pInMemory;                
00240     AkUInt32 uiMemorySize;          
00241     AkFileID idFile;                
00244     AkExternalSourceInfo()
00245         : iExternalSrcCookie( 0 )
00246         , idCodec( 0 )
00247         , szFile( 0 )
00248         , pInMemory( 0 )
00249         , uiMemorySize( 0 )
00250         , idFile( 0 ) {}
00253     AkExternalSourceInfo( 
00254         void* in_pInMemory,             
00255         AkUInt32 in_uiMemorySize,       
00256         AkUInt32 in_iExternalSrcCookie, 
00257         AkCodecID in_idCodec            
00258         )
00259         : iExternalSrcCookie( in_iExternalSrcCookie )
00260         , idCodec( in_idCodec )
00261         , szFile( 0 )
00262         , pInMemory( in_pInMemory )
00263         , uiMemorySize( in_uiMemorySize )
00264         , idFile( 0 ) {}
00267     AkExternalSourceInfo( 
00268         AkOSChar * in_pszFileName,      
00269         AkUInt32 in_iExternalSrcCookie, 
00270         AkCodecID in_idCodec            
00271         )
00272         : iExternalSrcCookie( in_iExternalSrcCookie )
00273         , idCodec( in_idCodec )
00274         , szFile( in_pszFileName )
00275         , pInMemory( 0 )
00276         , uiMemorySize( 0 )
00277         , idFile( 0 ) {}
00280     AkExternalSourceInfo( 
00281         AkFileID in_idFile,             
00282         AkUInt32 in_iExternalSrcCookie, 
00283         AkCodecID in_idCodec            
00284         )
00285         : iExternalSrcCookie( in_iExternalSrcCookie )
00286         , idCodec( in_idCodec )
00287         , szFile( 0 )
00288         , pInMemory( 0 )
00289         , uiMemorySize( 0 )
00290         , idFile( in_idFile ) {}
00291 };
00294 enum AkConnectionType
00295 {
00296     ConnectionType_Direct = 0x0,            
00297     ConnectionType_GameDefSend = 0x1,       
00298     ConnectionType_UserDefSend = 0x2,       
00299     ConnectionType_CrossDeviceSend = 0x4    
00300 };
00303 struct AkVector
00304 {
00305     AkReal32        X;  
00306     AkReal32        Y;  
00307     AkReal32        Z;  
00308 };
00311 class AkTransform
00312 {
00313 public:
00314     //
00315     // Getters.
00316     //
00319     inline const AkVector & Position() const
00320     {
00321         return position;
00322     }
00325     inline const AkVector & OrientationFront() const
00326     {
00327         return orientationFront;
00328     }
00331     inline const AkVector & OrientationTop() const
00332     {
00333         return orientationTop;
00334     }
00336     //
00337     // Setters.
00338     //
00341     inline void Set(
00342         const AkVector & in_position,           
00343         const AkVector & in_orientationFront,   
00344         const AkVector & in_orientationTop      
00345         )
00346     {
00347         position = in_position;
00348         orientationFront = in_orientationFront;
00349         orientationTop = in_orientationTop;
00350     }
00353     inline void Set(
00354         AkReal32 in_positionX,                  
00355         AkReal32 in_positionY,                  
00356         AkReal32 in_positionZ,                  
00357         AkReal32 in_orientFrontX,               
00358         AkReal32 in_orientFrontY,               
00359         AkReal32 in_orientFrontZ,               
00360         AkReal32 in_orientTopX,                 
00361         AkReal32 in_orientTopY,                 
00362         AkReal32 in_orientTopZ                  
00363         )
00364     {
00365         position.X = in_positionX;
00366         position.Y = in_positionY;
00367         position.Z = in_positionZ;
00368         orientationFront.X = in_orientFrontX;
00369         orientationFront.Y = in_orientFrontY;
00370         orientationFront.Z = in_orientFrontZ;
00371         orientationTop.X = in_orientTopX;
00372         orientationTop.Y = in_orientTopY;
00373         orientationTop.Z = in_orientTopZ;
00374     }
00377     inline void SetPosition(
00378         const AkVector & in_position            
00379         )
00380     {
00381         position = in_position;
00382     }
00385     inline void SetPosition(
00386         AkReal32 in_x,                          
00387         AkReal32 in_y,                          
00388         AkReal32 in_z                           
00389         )
00390     {
00391         position.X = in_x;
00392         position.Y = in_y;
00393         position.Z = in_z;
00394     }
00397     inline void SetOrientation(
00398         const AkVector & in_orientationFront,   
00399         const AkVector & in_orientationTop      
00400         )
00401     {
00402         orientationFront = in_orientationFront; 
00403         orientationTop = in_orientationTop;
00404     }   
00407     inline void SetOrientation(
00408         AkReal32 in_orientFrontX,               
00409         AkReal32 in_orientFrontY,               
00410         AkReal32 in_orientFrontZ,               
00411         AkReal32 in_orientTopX,                 
00412         AkReal32 in_orientTopY,                 
00413         AkReal32 in_orientTopZ                  
00414         )
00415     {
00416         orientationFront.X = in_orientFrontX;
00417         orientationFront.Y = in_orientFrontY;
00418         orientationFront.Z = in_orientFrontZ;
00419         orientationTop.X = in_orientTopX;
00420         orientationTop.Y = in_orientTopY;
00421         orientationTop.Z = in_orientTopZ;
00422     }
00424 private:
00425     AkVector        orientationFront;   
00426     AkVector        orientationTop;     
00427     AkVector        position;           
00428 };
00431 typedef AkTransform AkSoundPosition;
00434 typedef AkTransform AkListenerPosition;
00438 struct AkChannelEmitter
00439 {
00440     AkTransform     position;       
00441     AkChannelMask   uInputChannels; 
00442 };
00445 struct AkPolarCoord
00446 {
00447     AkReal32        r;              
00448     AkReal32        theta;          
00449 };
00452 struct AkSphericalCoord : public AkPolarCoord
00453 {
00454     AkReal32        phi;            
00455 };
00460 class AkEmitterListenerPair : public AkSphericalCoord
00461 {
00462 public:
00464     AkEmitterListenerPair() 
00465         : fEmitterAngle( 0.f )
00466         , fDryMixGain( 1.f )
00467         , fGameDefAuxMixGain( 1.f )
00468         , fUserDefAuxMixGain( 1.f )
00469         , uEmitterChannelMask( 0xFFFFFFFF )
00470         , m_uListenerMask( 0 )
00471     {
00472         r = 0;
00473         theta = 0;
00474         phi = 0;
00475     }
00477     ~AkEmitterListenerPair() {}
00480     inline AkReal32 Distance() const { return r; }
00483     inline AkReal32 Azimuth() const { return theta; }
00486     inline AkReal32 Elevation() const { return phi; }
00490     inline AkReal32 EmitterAngle() const { return fEmitterAngle; }
00493     inline AkReal32 GetGainForConnectionType(AkConnectionType in_eType) const 
00494     {
00495         AkConnectionType eType = (AkConnectionType)(in_eType & ~ConnectionType_CrossDeviceSend);
00496         if (eType == ConnectionType_Direct)
00497             return fDryMixGain;
00498         else if (eType == ConnectionType_GameDefSend)
00499             return fGameDefAuxMixGain;
00500         else
00501             return fUserDefAuxMixGain;
00502     }
00505     inline AkUInt32 ListenerMask() const { return m_uListenerMask; }
00507     // Get listener index of first listener assigned to this emitter-listener pair. 
00509     inline AkUInt8 ListenerIdx() const 
00510     { 
00511         AkUInt8 uListenerIdx = 0;
00512         AkUInt8 uListenerMask = m_uListenerMask;
00513         while ( !( uListenerMask & 0x01 ) )
00514         {
00515             uListenerMask >>= 1;
00516             ++uListenerIdx;
00517         }
00518         return uListenerIdx; 
00519     }
00521     AkTransform emitter;        
00522     AkReal32 fEmitterAngle;     
00523     AkReal32 fDryMixGain;       
00524     AkReal32 fGameDefAuxMixGain;
00525     AkReal32 fUserDefAuxMixGain;
00526     AkChannelMask uEmitterChannelMask;  
00527 protected:
00528     AkUInt8 m_uListenerMask;    
00529 };
00532 struct AkListener
00533 {
00534     AkListener()
00535         : fScalingFactor( 1.0f )
00536         , bSpatialized( true )
00537     {}
00538     AkListenerPosition  position;       
00539     AkReal32            fScalingFactor; 
00540     bool                bSpatialized;   
00541 };
00544 enum AkCurveInterpolation
00545 {
00546 //DONT GO BEYOND 15! (see below for details)
00547 //Curves from 0 to LastFadeCurve NEED TO BE A MIRROR IMAGE AROUND LINEAR (eg. Log3 is the inverse of Exp3)
00548     AkCurveInterpolation_Log3           = 0, 
00549     AkCurveInterpolation_Sine           = 1, 
00550     AkCurveInterpolation_Log1           = 2, 
00551     AkCurveInterpolation_InvSCurve      = 3, 
00552     AkCurveInterpolation_Linear         = 4, 
00553     AkCurveInterpolation_SCurve         = 5, 
00554     AkCurveInterpolation_Exp1           = 6, 
00555     AkCurveInterpolation_SineRecip      = 7, 
00556     AkCurveInterpolation_Exp3           = 8, 
00557     AkCurveInterpolation_LastFadeCurve  = 8, 
00558     AkCurveInterpolation_Constant       = 9  
00559 //DONT GO BEYOND 15! The value is stored on 5 bits,
00560 //but we can use only 4 bits for the actual values, keeping
00561 //the 5th bit at 0 to void problems when the value is
00562 //expanded to 32 bits.
00563 };
00564 #define AKCURVEINTERPOLATION_NUM_STORAGE_BIT 5 ///< Internal storage restriction, for internal use only.
00566 #ifndef AK_MAX_AUX_PER_OBJ
00567     #define AK_MAX_AUX_PER_OBJ          (4) ///< Maximum number of environments in which a single game object may be located at a given time.
00569     // This define is there to Limit the number of Aux per sound that can be processed.
00570     // This value must be >= AK_MAX_AUX_PER_OBJ and >= AK_NUM_AUX_SEND_PER_OBJ (4)
00571     #define AK_MAX_AUX_SUPPORTED                    (AK_MAX_AUX_PER_OBJ + 4)
00572 #else
00573     // This define is there to Limit the number of Aux per sound that can be processed.
00574     // This value must be >= AK_MAX_AUX_PER_OBJ and >= AK_MAX_AUX_PER_NODE
00575     #define AK_MAX_AUX_SUPPORTED                    AK_MAX_AUX_PER_OBJ
00577 #endif
00579 #define AK_NUM_LISTENERS                        (8) ///< Number of listeners that can be used.
00580 #define AK_LISTENERS_MASK_ALL                   (0xFFFFFFFF)    ///< All listeners.
00583 struct AkAuxSendValue
00584 {
00585     AkAuxBusID auxBusID;    
00586     AkReal32 fControlValue; 
00587 };
00590 struct AkRamp
00591 {
00592     AkRamp() : fPrev( 1.f ), fNext( 1.f ) {}
00593     AkRamp( AkReal32 in_fPrev, AkReal32 in_fNext ) : fPrev( in_fPrev ), fNext( in_fNext ) {}
00594     AkRamp & operator*=(const AkRamp& in_rRhs) { fPrev *= in_rRhs.fPrev; fNext *= in_rRhs.fNext; return *this; }
00596     AkReal32 fPrev;
00597     AkReal32 fNext; 
00598 };
00599 inline AkRamp operator*(const AkRamp& in_rLhs, const AkRamp& in_rRhs) 
00600 {
00601     AkRamp result(in_rLhs);
00602     result *= in_rRhs;
00603     return result;
00604 }
00616     enum AkMemPoolAttributes
00617     {
00618         AkNoAlloc       = 0,    
00619         AkMalloc        = 1,    
00620         AkAllocMask     = AkNoAlloc | AkMalloc,                     
00622         AkFixedSizeBlocksMode   = 1<<3,         
00623         AkBlockMgmtMask = AkFixedSizeBlocksMode 
00624     };
00625     #define AK_MEMPOOLATTRIBUTES
00627 #endif
00629 namespace AK
00630 {   
00638     AK_EXTERNFUNC( void *, AllocHook )( 
00639         size_t in_size          
00640         );
00648     AK_EXTERNFUNC( void, FreeHook )( 
00649         void * in_pMemAddress   
00650         );
00651 }
00653 // ---------------------------------------------------------------
00654 // Languages
00655 // ---------------------------------------------------------------
00656 #define AK_MAX_LANGUAGE_NAME_SIZE   (32)
00658 // ---------------------------------------------------------------
00659 // File Type ID Definitions
00660 // ---------------------------------------------------------------
00662 // These correspond to IDs specified in the conversion plug-ins' XML
00663 // files. Audio sources persist them to "remember" their format.
00664 // DO NOT CHANGE THEM without talking to someone in charge of persistence!
00666 // Vendor ID.
00667 #define AKCOMPANYID_AUDIOKINETIC        (0)     ///< Audiokinetic inc.
00668 #define AKCOMPANYID_AUDIOKINETIC_EXTERNAL (1)   ///< Audiokinetic inc.
00669 #define AKCOMPANYID_MCDSP               (256)   ///< McDSP
00670 #define AKCOMPANYID_WAVEARTS            (257)   ///< WaveArts
00671 #define AKCOMPANYID_PHONETICARTS        (258)   ///< Phonetic Arts
00672 #define AKCOMPANYID_IZOTOPE             (259)   ///< iZotope
00673 #define AKCOMPANYID_GENAUDIO            (260)   ///< GenAudio
00674 #define AKCOMPANYID_CRANKCASEAUDIO      (261)   ///< Crankcase Audio
00675 #define AKCOMPANYID_IOSONO              (262)   ///< IOSONO
00676 #define AKCOMPANYID_AUROTECHNOLOGIES    (263)   ///< Auro Technologies
00677 #define AKCOMPANYID_DOLBY               (264)   ///< Dolby
00678 #define AKCOMPANYID_TWOBIGEARS          (265)   ///< Two Big Ears
00679 #define AKCOMPANYID_OCULUS              (266)   ///< Oculus
00680 #define AKCOMPANYID_BLUERIPPLESOUND     (267)   ///< Blue Ripple Sound
00681 #define AKCOMPANYID_ENZIEN              (268)   ///< Enzien Audio
00682 #define AKCOMPANYID_KROTOS              (269)   ///< Krotos (Dehumanizer)
00683 #define AKCOMPANYID_NURULIZE            (270)   ///< Nurulize
00684 #define AKCOMPANYID_SUPERPOWERED        (271)   ///< Super Powered
00685 #define AKCOMPANYID_GOOGLE              (272)   ///< Google
00687 // File/encoding types of Audiokinetic.
00688 #define AKCODECID_BANK                  (0)     ///< Bank encoding
00689 #define AKCODECID_PCM                   (1)     ///< PCM encoding
00690 #define AKCODECID_ADPCM                 (2)     ///< ADPCM encoding
00691 #define AKCODECID_XMA                   (3)     ///< XMA encoding
00692 #define AKCODECID_VORBIS                (4)     ///< Vorbis encoding
00693 #define AKCODECID_WIIADPCM              (5)     ///< ADPCM encoding on the Wii
00694 #define AKCODECID_PCMEX                 (7)     ///< Standard PCM WAV file parser for Wwise Authoring
00695 #define AKCODECID_EXTERNAL_SOURCE       (8)     ///< External Source (unknown encoding)
00696 #define AKCODECID_XWMA                  (9)     ///< xWMA encoding
00697 #define AKCODECID_AAC                   (10)    ///< AAC encoding (only available on Apple devices) -- see AkAACFactory.h
00698 #define AKCODECID_FILE_PACKAGE          (11)    ///< File package files generated by the File Packager utility.
00699 #define AKCODECID_ATRAC9                (12)    ///< ATRAC-9 encoding
00700 #define AKCODECID_VAG                   (13)    ///< VAG/HE-VAG encoding
00701 #define AKCODECID_PROFILERCAPTURE       (14)    ///< Profiler capture file (.prof) as written through AK::SoundEngine::StartProfilerCapture
00702 #define AKCODECID_ANALYSISFILE          (15)    ///< Analysis file
00703 #define AKCODECID_MIDI                  (16)    ///< MIDI file
00704 #define AKCODECID_OPUS                  (17)    ///< Opus encoding
00706 //The following are internally defined
00707 #define AK_WAVE_FORMAT_VAG              0xFFFB
00708 #define AK_WAVE_FORMAT_AT9              0xFFFC
00709 #define AK_WAVE_FORMAT_VORBIS           0xFFFF
00710 #define AK_WAVE_FORMAT_AAC              0xAAC0
00711 #define AK_WAVE_FORMAT_OPUS             0x3039
00712 #define WAVE_FORMAT_XMA2                0x166
00714 class IAkSoftwareCodec;
00716 AK_CALLBACK( IAkSoftwareCodec*, AkCreateFileSourceCallback )( void* in_pCtx );
00718 AK_CALLBACK( IAkSoftwareCodec*, AkCreateBankSourceCallback )( void* in_pCtx );
00720 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00721 // Positioning
00722 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00724 namespace AK
00725 {
00726     namespace SoundEngine
00727     {
00732         enum MultiPositionType
00733         {
00734             MultiPositionType_SingleSource,     
00735             MultiPositionType_MultiSources,     
00736             MultiPositionType_MultiDirections   
00737         };
00738     }
00739 }
00743 enum AkPannerType
00744 {
00745     Ak2D        = 0,    
00746     Ak3D        = 1     
00747 };
00750 enum AkPositionSourceType
00751 {
00752     AkUserDef           = 0,    
00753     AkGameDef           = 1     
00754 };
00757 enum AkPanningRule
00758 {
00759     AkPanningRule_Speakers      = 0,    
00760     AkPanningRule_Headphones    = 1     
00761 };
00764 enum AkBusType
00765 {
00766     AkBusType_Master            = 0x01, 
00767     AkBusType_Primary           = 0x02  
00768 };
00770 #define AK_MAX_BITS_METERING_FLAGS  (5) // Keep in sync with AkMeteringFlags.
00773 enum AkMeteringFlags
00774 {
00775     AK_NoMetering               = 0,            
00776     AK_EnableBusMeter_Peak      = 1 << 0,       
00777     AK_EnableBusMeter_TruePeak  = 1 << 1,       
00778     AK_EnableBusMeter_RMS       = 1 << 2,       
00779     // 1 << 3 is reserved.
00780     AK_EnableBusMeter_KPower    = 1 << 4        
00781 };
00784 // Wwise ID system
00786 enum AkNodeType
00787 {
00788     AkNodeType_Default,
00789     AkNodeType_Bus
00790 };
00792 struct WwiseObjectIDext
00793 {
00794 public:
00796     bool operator == ( const WwiseObjectIDext& in_rOther ) const
00797     {
00798         return in_rOther.id == id && in_rOther.bIsBus == bIsBus;
00799     }
00801     AkNodeType GetType()
00802     {
00803         return bIsBus ? AkNodeType_Bus : AkNodeType_Default;
00804     }
00806     AkUniqueID  id;
00807     bool        bIsBus;
00808 };
00810 struct WwiseObjectID : public WwiseObjectIDext
00811 {
00812     WwiseObjectID()
00813     {
00814         id = AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID;
00815         bIsBus = false;
00816     }
00818     WwiseObjectID( AkUniqueID in_ID )
00819     {
00820         id = in_ID;
00821         bIsBus = false;
00822     }
00824     WwiseObjectID( AkUniqueID in_ID, bool in_bIsBus )
00825     {
00826         id = in_ID;
00827         bIsBus = in_bIsBus;
00828     }
00830     WwiseObjectID( AkUniqueID in_ID, AkNodeType in_eNodeType )
00831     {
00832         id = in_ID;
00833         bIsBus = in_eNodeType == AkNodeType_Bus;
00834     }
00835 };
00837 #ifndef __SPU__
00839 namespace AkFileParser
00840 {
00841 #pragma pack(push, 1)
00843     struct EnvelopePoint
00844     {
00845         AkUInt32 uPosition;     
00846         AkUInt16 uAttenuation;  
00847     };
00848 #pragma pack(pop)
00849 }
00850 #endif // !__SPU__
00852 #ifndef AK_OS_STRUCT_ALIGN
00853 #define AK_OS_STRUCT_ALIGN  4               ///< OS Structures need to be aligned at 4 bytes.
00854 #endif
00856 #if !defined(AK_ENDIANNESS_LITTLE) && !defined(AK_ENDIANNESS_BIG)
00858 #endif
00860 #ifndef AK_UNALIGNED
00861 #define AK_UNALIGNED                        ///< Refers to the __unaligned compilation flag available on some platforms. Note that so far, on the tested platform this should always be placed before the pointer symbol *.
00862 #endif
00865 #define AK_ASYNC_OPEN_DEFAULT   (false)             ///< Refers to asynchronous file opening in default low-level IO.
00866 #endif
00869 #define AK_COMM_DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_PORT 24024    ///< Default discovery port for most platforms using IP sockets for communication.
00870 #endif
00873 typedef AkInt16     AkCaptureType;          
00874 #endif
00876 #if defined(AK_CPU_X86_64) || defined(AK_CPU_ARM_64)
00877     #define AK_POINTER_64
00878 #endif // #if defined(AK_CPU_X86_64) || defined(AK_CPU_ARM_64)
00880 #define AkRegister
00882 #endif  //_AK_DATA_TYPES_H_

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