Audiokinetic의 커뮤니티 Q&A는 사용자가 Wwise와 Strata 커뮤니티 내에서 서로 질문과 답변을 하는 포럼입니다. Audiokinetic의 기술 지원팀에게 문의하고 싶으신 경우 지원 티켓 페이지를 사용해주세요.

Reverb Environment Sends in Unity

0 투표


I've currently come across this problem that the reverb send won't work in Unity unless I connect the Wwise profiler.


Here's the view of the inspector for the environment box I set up.


Also the object I want to be affected has a rigibody and a box collider on it. I've also tried ticking the "Is Trigger" box


Let me know if you need additional information, thanks

문의 2015 2월 2 General Discussion Shane G. (100 포인트) 로 부터

1 답변

0 투표
You should make sure your SoundBanks are up to date, and that the game is loading them from the right place. Keep in mind that when you preview in the Editor, the integration gets the SoundBanks from your Wwise project's SoundBank Paths (Project Settings > SoundBanks > SoundBank Paths). In a built game (outside the Editor), we look for the banks in the StreamingAssets folder.
답변 2015 2월 3 Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16,020 포인트) 로 부터