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How to use RTPC to drive delay time or pre-delay in real time?

0 votes

I was looking for a solution how to use RTPC from Unreal Engine to change a delay time in real-time.

When the RTPC changes, the delay is not audible. But when the RTPC stops, you can definitely hear the modified effect.

This happens with the RoomVerb, Matrix reverb, Convolution Reverb plugins. In the Stereo delay or Delay plugins - there is no way to use RTPC for delay at all.

The Wwise help says that this is due to the buffering process. But I still believe there is a way to manage it.

For example in various DAWs for delay/echo plugins, a real-time delay manipulations are possible.

Does anyone know if this feature will be added in future versions of Wwise?
asked Dec 8, 2022 in General Discussion by Danil B. (180 points)

I've just been trying to adjust Wwise Convolution Reverb Pre Delay parameter with an RTPC. as soon as there's a deviation from the baseline value (lets' say for instance, at less than x distance to player) the Reverb no longer sounds. I'm using Wwise 2021.1.12 fwiw

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