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Crash in AkComponent.cpp CurrentRoom is GC

0 votes
Hi !

UE: 5.3.2

Wwise: V2023.1.0.8365

Just to warn people. We updated Wwise to V2023.1.0.8365 and we have a crash inside AkComponent.cpp. This variable:

/** Room the AkComponent is currently in. nullptr if none */
class UAkRoomComponent* CurrentRoom;

Is garbage collected while the component may still be ticking, resulting in a crash when calling GetSpatialAudioRoom with a dangling ptr later here:

if (AkAudioDevice)
    AkAudioDevice->GetObsOccServicePortalMap(GetSpatialAudioRoom(), GetWorld(), ObsOccPortalMap);

Using a TWeakObjectPtr (+ some minor changes for compilation) like this:

TWeakObjectPtr<class UAkRoomComponent> CurrentRoom;

Fix the issue.

Have a nice day.

asked Jan 22 in General Discussion by Vincent P. (100 points)

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