Audiokinetic의 커뮤니티 Q&A는 사용자가 Wwise와 Strata 커뮤니티 내에서 서로 질문과 답변을 하는 포럼입니다. Audiokinetic의 기술 지원팀에게 문의하고 싶으신 경우 지원 티켓 페이지를 사용해주세요.

Is automated profiling possible with Wwise?

0 투표
The Wwise profiler is a very powerful tool. I've been looking for online materials related to automated profiling in Wwise but not turned up anything.

Say you have a build server that builds your game and it runs automated tests, playing through sections of the game.

Is there a way to have a process spin up an instance of Wwise, specify the target machine/config to connect to, and have it start profiling until that game instance terminates?
문의 2월 13 General Discussion Gareth M. (140 포인트) 로 부터

1 답변

0 투표
I've realised that the Wwise integration allows me to call AK::SoundEngine::StartProfilerCapture() and AK::SoundEngine::StopProfilerCapture() which starts the profiling session and saves it to a file with the .prof suffix. This file can then be manually loaded into the Wwise profiler.

With a little work this gets me what I need. I can take the .prof output file path as a commandline input to my application so it can be invoked from a batch script.
답변 2월 14 Gareth M. (140 포인트) 로 부터
Another way would be to use WAAPI, which depending on your usage could be better. One example is if you would like to capture a profiling session as a file on the build machine from a game running over network, e.g., from an external device such as a mobile device, game console, etc.

You could launch the console version of Wwise in WAAPI server mode with "WwiseConsole.exe waapi-server <path to your project>". Using a WAMP client of your choice, you can then connect to the server and use the WAAPI function "ak.wwise.core.remote.connect" (ref: The profiler session will be saved in the project like it would when running the Wwise Authoring application.

To get started with WAAPI: