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UE4 integration not playing sound [완료]

0 투표
Hey! We recently integrated the UE4 integration, but I cannot get any sound to playback inside ue4.

I watched all the intro tutorials. Currently, I can preview the event in Wwise editor, then i generate sound banks, then they show up in Unreal Engine, then I Generate Sound Banks from inside ue4, then I see my events, but when I drag one over to the content editor, i cannot hear it after right click -> play. Same if I try to play it from a blueprint.


Any ideas? Thanks so much!
폐쇄 기록: figured it out
문의 2017 1월 9 General Discussion Evan B. (170 포인트) 로 부터
완료 2017 1월 11 Evan B. 로 부터
Could you post your solution please. This is the issue I woke up to this morning. Thanks!