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Duplicate an event on a Gameobject to another Gameobject using PostEvent in Unity Integration 2012.1

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I am doing sophisticated audio relocation thing which need to specify different occlusion and obstruction values for each relocated sound of an original sound.

Therefore, I decided to play an exact copy of the original sound using the overload of the PostEvent with 8 parameters instead of SetMultiplePositions.


Optional (advanced users only) Specify the playing ID to target with the event. Will Cause active actions in this event to target an existing Playing ID. Let it be AK_INVALID_PLAYING_ID or do not specify any for normal playback.

The original sound event has a switch and a random container in each switch node.

However, when I called PostEvent by passing the playingID of the sound event on the original Gameobject to the relocated Gameobject, the sound wave in different switch nodes has been heard simutanously.

So, I guess it seems that the last parameter - playingID has been ignored by the SoundEngine.

I do not know if it is a bug in current Unity Integration or is there something I am doing wrong?

asked May 22, 2013 in General Discussion by User 96899 (160 points)

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