One Minute Wwise | From Audio File to in-game Audio in Unity

How to import an audio file into Wwise and make it play on collision in Unity. No commercials, no lengthy introductions - let's get started!

Let's start fresh and go from this audio file, to having it play in-game in Unity. To do so, you'll need to...
1. Import the Audio File
2. Prepare it, so it fits your in-game purpose
3. Put it in a bank, to be loaded by Unity
3. And then hook up the sounds to some in-game action.
Let's begin. Go to your Wwise Project's Project Explorer. Because we have a sound, and not a piece of music, right-click inside the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy and choose 'Import Audio Files...'. Then add your audio file and make sure it's 'Creating a new' - 'Sound SFX', and not a 'Sound Voice'. Let's have a listen. Notice that it takes a bit of time for the sound to start. But this sound, should be played instantly on collision. So head into the Source Editor and define a later starting position. That's better. Now for the game engine to call this sound, it needs to be an Event. So right-click the sound, make a 'New Event' that plays the sound. Next in the SoundBank Layout, make a new SoundBank, which is the package of sounds you'll give to the game engine (Unity). And put the Event inside of it. Then Generate Soundbanks and save your Wwise Project.
Now head into Unity. This ball will fall and collide with this plane. So let's click the ball, add the SoundBank (AkBank) and the Event (AkEvent) into the list of components. And set it to play when colliding. That's it.

* Wwise Unity Integration (Wwise-301) certification:
* Wwise-301 Playlist:
* Using the Source Editor:
* Importing a Sound:
* Get help!


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