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Fine-Tuning your Audio in Real Time in Game

After connecting to the Cube game, you can fine-tune your audio by modifying the properties for each sound in real time as the game is being played.

[Note] Note

Refer to the documentation to learn how to use the Remote Connection to connect to the game.

To modify sound properties in real-time (after Wwise has been connected to the game):

  1. In Cube, fire the shotgun to listen to its current sound.

  2. In Wwise, select the Shotgun sound object to load it into the Property Editor and Transport Control.

    The Shotgun sound object is located under the Weapons actor-mixer in the Main folder.

  3. Modify the volume and pitch properties of the shotgun sound.

  4. Click Play to listen to the new sound.

  5. Go back to Cube and fire the shotgun again.

    You will notice that the new sound is automatically played in the game.

  6. Experiment with other sounds in your game to see how quickly and easily you can fine-tune your game audio.

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