
Wwise SDK 2021.1.14

◆ GetLicenseStatus

AK::Wwise::Plugin::LicenseStatus(* ak_wwise_plugin_license_v1::GetLicenseStatus) (const struct ak_wwise_plugin_license_instance_v1 *in_this, const GUID *in_guidPlatform, AK::Wwise::Plugin::Severity *out_eSeverity, char *out_pszMessage, unsigned int in_uiBufferSize)

Retrieve the licensing status of the plug-in for the given platform.

[in] in_this Current instance of this interface.
[in] in_guidPlatform GUID of the platform.
[out] out_eSeverity (Optional) If set, the string placed in out_pszMessage will be shown in the log with the corresponding severity.
[out] out_pszMessage Pointer to the buffer of size in_uiBufferSize that will hold the message string.
[in] in_uiBufferSize Null-terminated size of the buffer pointed by out_pszMessage.
Licensing status of the plug-in; LicenseStatus_Unlicensed or LicenseStatus_Expired will prevent the plug-in from being included in a SoundBank.
See also

Definition at line 77 of file License.h.

Referenced by AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::License::Interface::Interface().

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