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Hi guys! How are you? I have MacOS Big Sur and in coursing Wwise-251 but Im unable to continue studying because I can’t find the Wwise 2019.1.4 version that is asked for the WAG Unity integration. I tried installing Wwise 2019.2 (because is the only 2019 available, otherwise I have 2021 versions) but when I tried to generate the soundbanks on Lesson 1 nothing was audible on Unity (the Post-it notes on the lesson said it was because the versions of Wwise and Unity doesn’t match). Also the “Open With Unity” button at the WAG page in the launcher is not available. What should I do? Reinstall new versions of WAG, Unity and Wwise? In that case I Would love to know which versions as I want to continue studying.


Thank you so much for you help guys!!
in General Discussion by Joaquin A. (100 points)

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