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Use MFC CDialog class as "SettingsDialog" or "ContentsDialog" in Wwise Plugin

0 votes
How can I use a custom MFC CDialog class as my "SettingsDialog" or "ContentsDialog"?
I have created my custom CDialog class based on a template (ex. IDD_MYDIALOG). Here I have defined the logic for the binding properties to UI, etc...
However It feels like Wwise is in control of which dialogs get created in the function IAudioPlugin::GetDialog() and I am only able to return the ID of my dialog template such as IDD_MYDIALOG. It looks like a new dialog based on the template is created rather than based on my custom dialog class.

How can I use an instance of my custom CDialog class instead?
Is it something I have to do in the Plugin CWinApp?
What should I then return in IAudioPlugin::GetDialog?
related to an answer for: Show inner object property in Wwise plugin
asked Apr 5, 2022 in Feature Requests by Cosimo R. (140 points)

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