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Is there a way to stop Wwise from creating new events with _01 when importing sounds?

0 votes


I'm importing my generated TTS using the WAAPI and I specify the event I want the object to be connected to but everytime I reimport the same files, Wwise creates a new event and appends _01, _02 ... on the event names instead of reusing the same events. Without writing extra code to somehow delete those events through WAAPI, this will cause us to have an unreasonable amount of duplicate events. The code below is used to define the one item in the imports object.

audioFile = filePath + ".wav",
objectPath = "\\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\\Default Work Unit\\<Sound>" + key,
importLanguage = "English(US)", // I think?
@event = $"Play_{key}@Play",

The following code is used to define the importArgs object

ImportArgs importArgs = new ImportArgs(){
            importOperation = "useExisting",
            @default = new DefaultArg(),
            imports = imports.ToArray(),


This documentation makes it sound like no new event will be created if there already is one. Is this a bug or am I misinterpreting it?



asked Apr 12, 2022 in General Discussion by Erik N. (100 points)

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