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How to randomise TIME the sounds in Random Container start to play back?

0 votes
Hello, community. I'm a newcomer and still study the manuals, but unfortunately did not find any ideas to solve my issues. and thanks for great job in developping WWISE family.


The essence is: I have prepared a simple Random Container with lets say 10 sound items inside.

1. The purpose is - how can I make that sounds start to play back with random pause between them. The pause should be between 1 sek and 25 sek.

Example. The first sound have been played back. Next goes the pause with random duration 1 - 25 sek. Next sound and so on.


2. The purpose is - how can I make that in random container not only one sound can be played back in the certain period of time. I mean that how can 2 or 3 or n sounds be played back simultaniously?
asked Jan 25, 2015 in General Discussion by hasic (150 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes

Hi Mixas,

If you want to trigger the sounds in the container at random intervals and allow polyphony, you would need to set your play mode to continuous loop, select "transitions", then select "trigger rate" transition type from the dropdown list. You can then randomize the duration between triggers. You can also map the trigger rate to an RTPC by selecting "duration" for the y-axis. If you use the "delay" transition type, it will only play one sound at a time, and it will not play a new sound until the previous one has finished playing.


answered Jan 26, 2015 by Richard Goulet (5,740 points)
Thank you, Richard.
I guess I should continue to learn the manuals and do not ask such simple questions).
My appologises)
No worries! I'm always learning too. I still come across little things every now and then that I didn't realise existed :)