Hello everyone. I have a question about the Rooms on Unity. I'm a student in sound design, this is the 10th project I'm doing with Unity and Wwise this year and this is the first time I'm facing this problem.
Unity version : 2020.3.10f1 Wwise version : 2021.1.2.7629
Here, we use the 3D Game Kit of unity. Wwise is well integrated, I have been working on it for 3 weeks. I attack the setup of the rooms and portals.
I wanted to test by putting a test emitter in a first room with all the setup (I copied exactly what I had done on the small project, to be sure) but my emitter doesn't fit in the reverb I assigned to the room. In the Game Object 3D profiler I noticed that my emitter is not considered to be in a room. (On the other project it does detect the room)
Where can this problem come from? I have the exact same settings on both projects, so I would say it's more Unity than Wwise (Something in the 3D Game Kit? but again I can't see) but that's just a guess. I have no idea how to solve this problem, if you have any clues it would be great and I can't thank you enough.
I could screen all the settings if ever necessary but as I copied exactly the settings of the project it works in, I'm not necessarily sure of the relevance.
Thanking you.