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DllNotFoundException: AkSoundEngine

+4 votes

We just release our game Songs of Conquest in Early Access. The game is developed in Unity and we use Unity Version 2020.3.24f1 and WWise version 2021.1.5.7749.2277.

A few of our users gets "DllNotFoundException: AkSoundEngine" exceptions constantly and crashes the game. This makes the game unplayable for them. Do you have any idea on how to fix this?

It seems to only happen on windows so far when we look at the logs (we support mac as well)

It's very difficult to find the cause of this since it does not happen to everyone. Any tips? We'd like to fix it so that they can play the game as well.

Thank you!
asked May 12, 2022 in General Discussion by Niklas B. (140 points)

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