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WAAPI commands ak.wwise.ui.commands.execute "OpenContainingFolderWAV" does not work as expected

0 votes
I am having a problem executing the ui commands "OpenContainingFolderWAV" through WAAPI.

The waapi call is successful but the folder does not open. I have tried passing different arguments: either object IDs, paths or names but non of these have worked for me.

What could be possibly going wrong with these?

I am using Wwise 2019.2.14 on Windows.
asked Jun 10, 2022 in General Discussion by Cosimo R. (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
This is a know issue for Wwise 2019.2.

The issue has been fixed in Wwise 2021.1:
answered Jun 13, 2022 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)