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Offline Installer Contradiction

0 votes

My goal is to create an offline installer which can be used to automate the deployment of Wwise in a teaching lab environment. The students do not have admin rights to install themselves.

Whilst building the offline installer, the Wwise Launcher seems to give contradictory advice when you click the help icon.

Wwise > SDK (C++)
The C++ include files and several configurations of the compiled libraries and symbols. It includes SDK code samples and documentation. This is not required for Unity Development.

Unity > Download integration files
The downloaded integration files will not contain Wwise SDK files required for integrating Wwise into your Unity project(s). The Wwise platform SDK for each of your project's platforms must be installed previous to using the downloaded integration files.

Can anyone advise exactly which components I need to preinstall so that students can integrate Wwise into their Unity projects?

asked Jun 16, 2022 in General Discussion by ECA IT (120 points)

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