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Wwise not connecting to Unity on one of my computers

0 votes

Hi all, 

Just wanted to document an issue I've had over the last few days, which has been fixed now (EDIT: The next day, same problem... no fix!). Maybe this is useful for other people too!

I'm working on two different Mac computers (one work / one private). I sync my Unity 2021.3.5 project via Git. The Unity project has the latest Wwise integration (2021.1.9.7847) installed. That same Wwise version has naturally been installed on both devices. I usually load my Wwise + Unity projects via the Wwise Launcher. 

Over the last few days I've noticed that the Unity Editor did not connect in any way to Wwise. Soundbanks were not visible in the AkBank components for instance, neither could I see Events in any of the corresponding components. The Wwise Picker showed "connecting to ws://" and intermittently showing that "connection refused" or "connection denied" (I don't remember which). Nothing was shown in the Wwise Picker under Wwise Authoring. Also from Wwise's side I could only sometimes connect to Unity for profiling etc. Somehow the Soundbanks were loaded however, and any Events that had been previously selected were still triggered, but there was no way to change these, or add new ones. 

This problem was only on my personal Mac. I was surprised to find that this issue did not exist on my other machine. Here the Wwise Picker was connected, showed all loaded Soundbanks, etc etc etc. 

So on my non-working machine I thought the issue may have to do with Unity, or my local network, or any of those things. Some things I've tried without success:

- Reset / change the IP address / port

- Reinstall Wwise 2021.1 (uninstall through Launcher / reinstall via Launcher)

- Restart computer

- Change all local network settings / firewall settings (inc disable)

- Delete Library folder

- Read up (and change accordingly) on best practices for Git / versioning 

- Delete previously Generated Soundbanks

... and prob a few dozen more things. No luck.


EDIT: The thing that did fix my issue the first time? Reinstalling the Wwise Launcher and/or deleting Wwise folder inside Applications folder

However, the next day I've had the same problems, but this doesn't solve my problem this time.! 


I have no idea what was broken inside (either) of these systems, but deleting both, and then redownloading Wwise Launcher from the website + reinstall Wwise 2021 via Launcher, solved my problem. I'm thinking that the issue lies in one of the files in the Wwise folder, but since I deleted both simultaneously, there's no way for me to know now. 

I've tested whether it was working stable now. From freshly-working machine: Opening + committing + pushing, to then Pull + opening + committing + pushing on the other machine. I did this a few times back and forth... and all seems to be well! 


Hope this may help some else as well





EDIT: The next day I'm having the exact same problem, and my previous 'fix' doesn't work.

I really don't know what I can try anymore... 

asked Jun 28, 2022 in General Discussion by Maarten S. (110 points)
edited Jun 29, 2022 by Maarten S.
Hi, is there anyone who can help with this? This is happening yet again, while it was working fine for many weeks.
The thing that helped *this time* was to manually copy the content of the Generated Soundbanks folder from the Project Folder into the StreamingAssets folder....

2 Answers

0 votes
I ran into the exact same problem and for the life of me couldn't figure it what was causing Unity to not connect to Wwise. Until I noticed that it was attempting to connect on port 8080. I had recently installed SabNZB, which is an application that listens on port 8080. If SabNZB was running before I launched Wwise, Wwise would start and *not* throw any errors / problems about being unable to bind to port 8080.

The solution, in my case, is whenever I want to run Wwise, I close SabNZB so there's no port contention. Then Unity + Wwise works fine.

You may have a similar problem with a recently installed application that is listening on port 8080.
answered Feb 13, 2023 by Eli P. (140 points)
+2 votes


Had this same issue for weeks - solved now with the help of a friend :)

The error message is basically trying to say that it can't use that port because something else is using it. I still don't know what could be on my mac, but anyways.. here is the fix.

open the relevant wwise file -> project -> user preferences -> change wamp port to 8081 -> save,


Open Unity -> edit -> project settings -> wwise editor -> change waapi port to 8081 -> save

Mine connected when i finished the last step.

Hope this helps anyone that has a similar issue :)



answered May 10, 2023 by Michael M. (180 points)
Thank you. This has been driving me nuts for a week. You just saved my soul :D