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Game Object 3D Viewer

0 votes

I've been trying to follow this:

I'm trying to use the game object 3d viewer in Wwise and for some reason I can't get it to show any game objects.

There are objects in my Unity session and they play sounds from the Wwise project. I can't see online anywhere that says how to fix this i'm wondering if yo would be able to help with this please.

There is a link to a screenshot of each program below:

Thank you
asked Jun 28, 2022 in General Discussion by Liam D. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hey Liam, 

What does your Profiler Settings look like? Did you enable Spatial Audio there?

Btw, if you are still having problems, maybe this livestream can help you out.

answered Jun 29, 2022 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (38,720 points)
Hey so my profiler looks like this

Is that what im missing do I need to do something with the profiler first?
Hey Liam. The Profiler Settings are accessed by clicking the ⚙ (View Settings) icon in the top right of the Advanced Profiler. In there, enable Spatial Audio, or really just all of it, and tell me if it's working.
FYI, the ⚙ (View Settings) icon is also found in the Game Object 3D viewer view.