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Building Wwise plugins for earlier platform SDK versions

0 votes

We have a game we're releasing on PS4 and PS5. PS4 is required to be in SDK 9.0, PS5 is required to be in SDK 5.0.

Since updating to Wwise version 2019.2.15, we can now build for PS5 SDK 5.0. But PS4 libraries are forcibly built for SDK 9.5 as a result of this Wwise upgrade, a version too far for our submission.

As per this documentation, we have managed to rebuild the AkSoundEngine.prx file/s to target SDK 9.0.

But the Wwise plugins (e.g. AkMotion.prx) is still targeting SDK 9.5, forcing our PS4 package to be an SDK 9.5 package.

So the question is how can we rebuild the plugins, such as AkMotion, to target SDK 9.0 in the same way we did AkSoundEngine?

asked Jul 8, 2022 in General Discussion by Darren C. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Only a subset of plug-ins are provided with L2 source code: other plug-ins such as Wwise Motion can only be built by Audiokinetic.

To acquire plug-ins built with specific versions of platform SDKs, open a ticket for the Audiokinetic Support team stating which combination you require.

answered Nov 28, 2022 by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23,420 points)