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Script to update soundbanks

0 votes
Hello, I am the C++ engineer looking to upgrade our Wwise version from 2014.1.3 to version 2021.1.9

I got all the C++ code written and tried to load our existing sound banks and received an error of AK_WrongBankVersion

is there a command line too i could use to upgrade our existing files to the latest version?

if not, is there a command line tool i could use to take the original source sound bank files and reexport them into the latest version?

Thank you.
asked Jul 27, 2022 in General Discussion by Peter W. (110 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote
The Soundbank files themselves are not upgradable to a newer version. It is not possible to upgrade a soundbank from an old version to a new version. You need to migrate the Wwise Project (WPROJ+WWU) first and them regenerate the SoundBanks in the new version. Make sure you read the Migration notes between versions to make sure any API change is covered in your migration steps.
answered Jul 29, 2022 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)
Yes im looking for a script to open the old project file and auto save it to the new bank format.