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Transition between two states in a very specific way

0 votes
Let's say I wanted to transition between exploration and combat states as follows:

If the combat state is activated at bar 7 during exploration state, the music should transition to bar 7 of the combat state, in both ways.

Every session of my exploration piece has an equivalent session in the combat state. My concept is as if the two songs are playing at the same time and switch between them according to the state of the game.

Any tips on how I can create this system?
asked Aug 23, 2022 in General Discussion by Márcio E. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
This is quite straightforward in Wwise. Use a Music Switch Container to switch between the combat and exploration music and then open the switch container's Transitions tab. There you can set the default transition behaviour to "Sync to: Same time as playing segment". You can also add new transition rules underneath to adjust specific behaviours. Rules are prioritized from the bottom to the top.
answered Sep 15, 2022 by Beatrix Moersch (3,280 points)