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Game no response in FAsyncLoadingThread

0 votes

We met Game no response in FAsyncLoadingThread, Wwise 2019.2.15.7667 and UnrealEngine 4.27.


bool UAkAudioEvent::IsReadyForAsyncPostLoad() return fasle.  The reason is because UAkMediaAssetData::IsReadyForAsyncPostLoad() return false,  and State is LoadState::Unloaded, as shown in the following code:

bool UAkMediaAssetData::IsReadyForAsyncPostLoad() const



    if (bNeedsAutoloading && State == LoadState::Unloaded)
        UE_LOG(LogAkAudio, Error, TEXT("UAkMediaAssetData::IsReadyForAsyncPostLoad: NeedsAutoLoading returned true, but loadstate is unloaded. Media name : %s - %u"), *GetParentMediaName(),  GetParentMediaId());
        return false;




Please help to fix the bug. Thanks~
asked Aug 27, 2022 in Feature Requests by yoko g. (100 points)

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