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Do I need to generate soundbanks when EBP is enabled?

0 votes

Since all media information is stored in .uassets files, and synchronized with the workflow via WAAPI, does it make sense to generate soundbanks for the game?

Using Wwise 2021.1.9.7847 and Unreal Engine 4.27.2

Thank you in advance!

asked Sep 5, 2022 in General Discussion by Daniel G. (150 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Nope, you can completely ignore the F7 "Generate Soundbanks" window in Wwise. Instead, open the "Waapi Picker" in Unreal, make sure it links up, (make sure to check "Auto-Connect to Waapi" in the Unreal Project Settings if it doesnt), and then in the Waapi Picker click on "Generate Sound Data".
answered Sep 15, 2022 by Beatrix Moersch (3,280 points)
selected Sep 15, 2022 by Daniel G.