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how can I connect to WAG 301 project in profiler

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I get some problem with the tenth part of this page


a console show me the error message as state part 'different version 2019.2'

I using wwise 2019.2  ver and unity 2018.4.0f1LTS but wwise can`t connect.

and I forced open WAG project in unity hub because I can`t found open in unity botton in wwise luncher.

I want to solve them.
最新提问 9月 5, 2022 分类:General Discussion | 用户: 태범 (110 分)


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The 301 course requires a specific combination of Unity and Wwise versions.  You will need Unity version 2018.4.32f1 and Wwise version 2019.1.11.  Let us know if you need help finding these versions or experience further issues.
最新回答 9月 9, 2022 用户: Allen L. (Audiokinetic) (660 分)