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I am receiving an error message saying "format of the file is invalid"

0 votes
Help!! I was working on a project and the program seemed to start glitching. I closed out and re-opened Wwise and received the following error message below. I am unable to open my project. The complete message is:

The format of the file is invalid.
Error: Element YPost: 'NAN(INDY' is not a valid value of the atomic type s:double'
File: ...Actor-Mixer Hierarchy/Default Work|
Line: 38305
Column: 0

Does anyone know how to troubleshoot this error? I looked online and can't find any answers. This is so stressful because I had so much work and if there is no fix for this, then I have to re-start my project all over again :(
asked Oct 16, 2022 in General Discussion by Juan H. (100 points)

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