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AkGameObjectID Register and Dynamic Dialogue Unreal Engine nullptr error

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Hi, sorry for the long title but it is what it is. I've been trying to demo that dynamic dialogue example of IntegrationDemo project, but I couldn't move forward from AkGameObjectID. It supposed to return an ID for DynamicSequence to start, but it does crash at this moment and I'm unable to debug it. I'm using event-based packaging, so I can't see Soundbanks at Content Drawer, also I tried that IntegrationDemo vs projects exemplary code (that loads bank and moves forward), when I do that, it crashed loading bank. I can confirm that selected event is generated and can be heard in content drawer. But also I'm a bit confused to choose an event (I selected debug 3d event), because there is no event to represent Dynamic Dialogue in Wwise Picker as well. Yet, AkGameObject has an attached event.
I think I have problem with how to get AkGameObject's ID, in IntegrationDemo vs project, there are hardcoded AkGameObjectIDs around, but it didn't work for my case to create a random ID and registering it in my TestActor.cpp (it crashed with similar nullptr error)

asked Dec 10, 2022 in General Discussion by omnisepher (190 points)

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