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missing modules for unreal 5.1 integration

+7 votes



I followed all the steps to integrate the plugin in the engine, but when I compile, there is a "missing modules" window appearing, saying it can't find modules like:


"The Following modules are missing or built with a different engine version:

  • AkAudioMixer
  • AkAudio
  • AudioKineticTools

Engine modules cannot be compiled at runtime, please build through your ide"


Can someone help me for this? Thx I'm trying to integrate Wwise to 5.1 since weeks now and I'm in a bad situation for my work. I'm getting mad

related to an answer for: UE5.1 Support - Wwise Roadmap
asked Dec 19, 2022 in General Discussion by Alexandre c. (170 points)
edited Dec 22, 2022 by Alexandre c.

1 Answer

+3 votes
The same. Did you fix this?Someone help,pls
answered Jan 3, 2023 by sera z. (210 points)