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GetGlobalValue not working on Unity 2021.3.14 and Wwise 2022.1.1.8100.2644

+2 votes

Hi. After upgrading to Wwise 2022.1.18100 we started receiving a wwise error whenever we try to set/get an RTPC value using the Global api

  • AkWwise.RTPC.GetGlobalValue

This was working previously, so I think it's failing because of this change in the latest wwise version 

  • PostEvent() and GameObject-related APIs now accept null as the GameObject input argument to affect the global scope.

Does this mean that now, instead of using Set/GetGlobalValue, I just need to use SetValue with "null" as gameObject parameter?

Edit: I just tested and it doesn't work either (calling SetValue with null as gameObject reference)

asked Jan 18, 2023 in General Discussion by Raúl Emmanuel I. (820 points)
edited Jan 18, 2023 by Raúl Emmanuel I.

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