Audiokinetic's Community Q&A is the forum where users can ask and answer questions within the Wwise and Strata communities. If you would like to get an answer from Audiokinetic's Technical support team, make sure you use the Support Tickets page.

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Question asked by Nihil Quest on Youtube:

I don't get why WWise doesn't support vorbis files made in a separate software. It's faster to export ogg from DAW than to convert them in WWise.


in General Discussion by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)

1 Answer

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Hi Nihil.

One argument would be that Wwise converts the files into a Vorbis format optimised for runtime performance.
Take a look at this:

That said, by only using uncompressed audio files (PCM), you can easily re-convert into a different format should you choose to do so later in production. For instance, you may realise your soundscape is using too much CPU or battery life on mobile, and so you change some sounds into PCM to reduce CPU used on uncompressing the formats in runtime, which is needed for the sound to play. 

by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)