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Currently taking the quiz on lesson 3 for Wwise 201. One of the questions asks you to:

"Select any of the following methods that can be used to import audio files to an existing Music Track? (Select all that apply.):
-Right-click a Music Track in the Music Segment Editor and choose Import Audio Files....
-Right-click a Music Segment Container and choose Import Audio files and, from the available list, choose the name of the Music Track contained within to indicate the desired destination.
-Select the Music Track object in the Project Explorer, right-click and use the Import Audio Files... option. "

Option 1 in this instance doesn't work, so I didn't select it. Yet options 2 and 3 both allow you to import a new music track on to the end of an existing music track, yet the quiz tells me only option 3 is correct. But I've tested it and you can import a new music track onto an existing one via right-clicking on a Music Segment Container and selecting the destination for the new file as the current Music Track. Not sure why the quiz marks this answer as wrong?
in General Discussion by Alex R. (250 points)

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