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I am wondering if there is any benefit of using the object based audio pipeline in wwise if the endpoint is, for example, a quest 2 headset? Based on the documentation from audiokinetic on understanding object based audio, it mentions that the " the endpoint can use the most appropriate rendering method to deliver the final mix over headphones or speakers." So unlike if you were working on audio that had an endpoint of 5.1 or 7.1 or windows using the windows sonic for headphones, that provides their own unique spatialization, would the same benefits apply if you routed certain audio objects through the object-based audio pipeline?

As far as I know, the Quest 2 headset doesn't have its own spatialization rendered build in, so one must use plugin in wwise to achieve that (Auro-3d, Resonance, OSP, etc...) So specially when working on audio for a VR title, would it even benefit the use of this awesome new pipeline?
in General Discussion by Cesar S. (100 points)

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