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Is that possible to turn on automatic audio assets parsing in UE5.1 and Wwise 2022.1.2?

0 votes
All features that come with Wwise 2022.1.2 are undoubtedly cool, and using Event Base Packaging is make it easier to work with, BUT!
In 2021Wwise vers, Event Base Packaging was an experimental feature, so previously when you generated banks it automatically checked the asset id and replaced it with the new assets in Unreal. So you could easily organize the events hierarchy in the Wwise project, then this structure was completely copied to the WwiseAudio folder and further had to sync in UE5. So now, you need to do it in manual mode, drag assets from the Wwise Picker, and so on. The problem is I have a huge amount of assets that referenced a lot of maps and blueprints.
And unfortunately, I should remake all hierarchy and use another naming conversion. So the only way is to do it by one asset at a time and replace references manually.
Is that any way to return the old way of automatically parsing assets or use the console command, or maybe you could add it as an "additional checkbox" in future updates?
asked Mar 6, 2023 in General Discussion by VALENTYN C. (100 points)

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