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Unity Integration gave Camera no ID

+1 vote
I'm just getting started with Wwise and I'm hoping to use it for a Unity project I'm working on with a group. I tried to integrate Wwise with the base 'Third Person Core' project that Unity has available for download but now whenever I run the game I'm spammed with errors about the camera not have a registered audiokinetic ID.

The specific error that gets displayed every frame is:

Wwise: Unknown/Dead game object ID used in function SetPosition. Make sure the game object is registered before using it and do not use it once it was unregistered. GO: MainCamera. (Instance ID: 18446744073709550432)

I don't believed I've modified the camera at all. The only components on it right now are Transform, Camera, CinemachineBrain, Universal Additional Camera Data (script), AkAudioListener, AkGameObj.

Any help is greatly appreciated! I just want to know how I can avoid getting this error and register the camera. Thank you!
asked Mar 8, 2023 in General Discussion by Rocky D. (110 points)

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