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Using SetMusicState script when Player can teleport between music regions

0 votes
Hello! I have an issue using the SetMusicState script. In our game players can teleport, so when I teleport from Music Region A to Music Region B, those State changes (Exit A and Enter B) are incoming to Wwise in the EXACT same time (not even a 1/100 second difference, confirmed in Wwise Capture Log), which sometimes (randomly), puts them in the wrong order, triggering the Enter B trigger BEFORE the Exit A trigger, which puts the game in a "Nowhere" state, when it should be playing the Region Music B. Any idea how to solve this, so the EXIT trigger always get triggered first when teleporting to another region? The script works flawlessly when the player is walking/running between the regions, but this issue is when teleporting. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!
asked Mar 21, 2023 in General Discussion by Robert E. (550 points)

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