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How to retrieve an AudioEvent's metadata through its name or ShortID in runtime

0 votes

In our upcoming project (on Unreal 5.1 with the Wwise Integration 2022.1.0.8070.2495), we've been attempting to find an audio event in runtime by using its ShortID or name to retrieve its metadata. The end goal is to know the event's max duration before posting it.

We tried including methods from the WwiseProjectDatabase module as well as the WwiseResourceLoader for that purpose. This achieved the intended goal, however, it only compiles in editor as much of their code is editor-only.

Is there any recommended alternative for us to retrieve this metadata in runtime (without editor)?

Note that we have a lot of audio events that need to be available at any time and loading their respective UAkAudioEvents is not a viable option.

We believe the best approach would be to have a built-in method capable of looking up metadata of any audio event at any time (using only its ShortID or name).

What would be the best approach to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.
asked Apr 13, 2023 in General Discussion by Miguel D. (100 points)

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