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Soundbanks remain displayed in the Advanced Profiler

0 votes
I have a question about the Advanced Profiler, Soundbanks tab. I've noticed that after doing an UnloadBank, I still have Soundbanks displayed with a full Media Memory and Object memory and Wwise Objects and Media Files at 0.... In a homemade profiler on Unity, they are however well unloaded ...
Is this a display bug? or is there a method for cleaning up soundbanks? or another method than UnloadBank for unloading soundbanks?
I use version 2022.1.1 on a Mac

Théophile Demarcq
asked Jun 28, 2023 in General Discussion by Théophile Demarcq (1,670 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If you disconnect and connect again the list should be updated. Seems like a bug - also observed in 2021 version.
answered Jun 30, 2023 by Łukasz R. (190 points)