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No sound on Unity mobile build, but the bank is loading, and the event is playing as seen in wwise profiler?

0 votes
We have integrated wwise into our project. In the Unity editor, I can hear sound playing. On device (iOS or Android), I can't hear any sound. However, the bank is successfully loading, and associated play events are firing when I connect to the wwise profiler. There are no errors, and the one event in question is a looping audio file. I can see the event is looping, but no sound can be heard. It all works in editor though. Any help is greatly appreciated.


asked Jul 4, 2023 in General Discussion by Curtis R. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
In the profiler layout, check out the Advanced profiler window in the Voice Graph tab. A correct voice graph should have your sound (on the left) linked to an audio device (on the right). Then in the Voices tab, see if the voice is at a hearable volume. Usually there are some possbilities to cause the error in your case: a wrong attenuation, listener blocked by something, you don't have a listener, or you didn't post the event on the right actor. The Editor usually preview in a different gamemode than the actual run, so you may hear it in the preview mode even though you didn't set it properly.
answered Jul 7, 2023 by Zhuolun Z. (930 points)