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Strata - No Output when rendering in Reaper- Best Practice when Rendering

0 votes
When I try to render from a collection SubProject,  I sometimes get a Reaper  Error No Output and the render does not proceed. How do I get a successful render?
asked Jul 17, 2023 in How tos and working with Strata by Simon P. (960 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
A failure to render is probably because the files requested to render are in use in another project, possibly the Main Collection Name Project.

A recommended best practice is to create a new render directory to avoid overwriting the original downloaded rendered files.

Before rendering, or if using ReaWwise clicking Transfer to Wwise, in the Reaper Render to File dialog, specify an Output Directory: with a different name than the original default Rendered directory. For example Rendered_MyProjectName_01. You can keep multiple variations of renders by incrementing the directory name, for example, Rendered_MyProjectName_02.
answered Jul 17, 2023 by Simon P. (960 points)
edited Jul 17, 2023 by Simon P.