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Can I set "same as Main Mix" on a parent bus, but override it with "Audio Objects" for a child bus?

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I figured that this isn't currently possible. If a child bus is set to "Audio Objects" but the parent bus is set to "same as Main Mix" then the content of the child bus will go to Main Mix and not to Audio Objects. It would be really useful to be able to override the parent bus' configuration for the child bus' content so that the child bus goes to Audio Objects regardless of the parent bus' configuration. If this is possible please let me know. If not, could this be an option in future Wwise versions?

I see the Main Mix as the default configuration, and Audio Objects should be the special case for selected busses, right? Especially since Dolby Atmos for Headphones is only able to handle 16 Audio Objects. If I have to move those special busses out of their hierarchy, then they lose all other mixing from the parent busses (RTPCs, States, etc), which then would have to be duplicated and recreated on the special Audio Objects bus.

However keeping the Audio Objects bus inside the hierarchy wouldn't require that, as long as the bus configuration of the parent bus could somehow be overwritten for the child bus' content.

I'd be super interested in other opinions about that or best practices from other users on how to deal with that.

Many Thanks!


Christian S. (530 ポイント) 2023 9/18 質問 General Discussion

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