Audiokinetic's Community Q&A is the forum where users can ask and answer questions within the Wwise and Strata communities. If you would like to get an answer from Audiokinetic's Technical support team, make sure you use the Support Tickets page.

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What happened to the knowledge base site?
in General Discussion by David W. (190 points)
I'm looking for it right now as well

1 Answer

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We're bringing online documentation out soon-ish, so we're migrating SOME of the Knowledge Base content to that.  Some of the KB content is rather old and no longer relevant.  Was there a particular article that you wanted to make sure gets preserved?

Where things will end up will be in the User Guide (which will also be online), or in the SDK doc (again, will also be online) or as a Q&A entry for things that don't fit in either.

Hope that helps!
by Mike D. (Audiokinetic) (3.9k points)