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Soundbank reference error

0 votes

I've recently run into a rather annoying issue and can't find a fix on Google.

My Wwise project cannot update soundbanks properly, even though the soundbank generation lists no errors and the SoundbanksInfo.XML file correctly lists all the events. New events or sound files simply aren't in the loaded bank. I'm using Unity 2021.3.3f1 & Wwise 2021.1.9

The only way I can update soundbanks, so that they actually work:

  1. Rename all altered soundbanks in Wwise.

  2. Copy paste Window/Mac folder from the Wwise GeneratedSoundbanks folder to Unitys StreamingAssets/Audio/GeneratedSoundbanks folder and overwrite the current soundbank data.

  3. Manually delete all previous soundbanks.

It's some kind of reference error. But I can't for the life of me figure out a fix, so that I can actually test my work without this major hurdle.

asked Sep 23, 2023 in General Discussion by Jonas L. (100 points)

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