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Listener Orientation wont work when audio is routed through an Oculus Bus (Unity)

0 votes

So i have wwise integrated in my unity project. In wwise i am routing all the audio that id like to spatialize through an Oculus Audio Bus. Though as soon as i route it through the Oculus Bus the listener orientation ( set up in the positioning tab of the audio object) for my audio object wont work anymore. Enabling "Listener Relative Routing" for the oculus Bus stops all sounds from playing and i cant find proper documentation how to set a bus up that way. And i dont think its the right approach because the "positioning panning" portion of the listener realtive routing that i set up in my audio object already works without activation "Listener Relative Routing" for the oculus Bus. So it seems like the Plugin can handle it just fine without the option. I route the oculus bus directly into the master bus. All unity audio is disabled.

Check my settings:

Does anyone have an idea where the error is? Thanks alot!

asked Oct 5, 2023 in General Discussion by Philipp S. (100 points)

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