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Does Wwise 2021.1.9.7847 work on the latest MacOS (Ventura 13.6)?

0 votes
Hi, apologies if there is info about this out there that I'm missing.

Im looking to upgrade MacOS from 11 to 13 - and Im using Wwise 2021.1.9.7847 with no problems at the moment. However, I've heard from a colleague on an M1 Mac that this version of wwise sometimes wont launch / crashes on launch sometimes. I cant find anything online about the compatability of this version. Can anyone confirm whether this will work or not, or are there known issues?

For reference, Im on a 2019 Mac Pro (not an M1).

asked Nov 17, 2023 in General Discussion by Lewis T. (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The first version to officially support Ventura 13.5 and up is Wwise 2021.1.14, so 2021.1.9 is not supported on the latest macOS Ventura.

As projects across minor versions are compatible, you are encouraged to update to the latest patch to also get the latest fixes.
answered Nov 23, 2023 by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23,440 points)