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Wwise 2021.1 4k High DPI Display Bug - Loudness Meters (Windows)

0 votes
Each channel in the The Loudness Meters view - Momentary, Short-Term, Integrated - is supposed to display the channel's measured peak value as a bold number above the meter and below the channel name. These numerical values are not displayed if you're using Wwise 2021.1 on a 4k display, even with "High DPI" mode enabled. The issue is resolved if the display resolution is lowered to 1080p prior to opening Wwise.

Windows 11
Wwise 2021.1.14

EDIT: It has to do with the Windows scaling setting under the "Scale and Layout" section of Display Settings. Scaling to 200% causes the issue. Lowering that value will resolve it. Usually you can change how Windows applies DPI scaling on a per-app basis. But because Wwise opens via the Audiokinetic Launcher, I'm not sure this is possible.
asked Jan 24 in General Discussion by Justin S. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

This issue has been fixed in Wwise 2022.1.6:

  • WG-66318 Fixed: Missing volume numbers in Loudness Meter in High DPI at UI Scaling of 200%.

Since 2021.1 is not in active support (see Wwise Support Policy), this fix will however not be available unless you update to 2022.1 or 2023.1.
A known workaround is to set your Windows DPI scaling value to a value below 200%, such as 175%.

answered Jan 29 by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23,440 points)