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We want to release a game on PS4, and the only SDK currently accepted by Sony is version 11.00.

The game builds without errors, but on the devkit, an error is displayed:

[ERROR] Format of the SELF file is not valid. (AkSoundEngine.prx, SDK version must be 11.00x)

Several threads on this forum suggested recompiling the AkSoundEngine.prx file/s to target SDK 11.00.

We attempted to do this following the documentation, but encountered an error during the build:

L0032: could not open file "libAkReflectFX.a" AkSoundEnginePS4

L0064: Linking aborted AkSoundEnginePS4"

We noticed that in the directory Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2022.1.9.8365\SDK\PS4_SDK11.000, there is no library with that name in any configuration: Debug/Profile/Release.

However, this library exists for the Mac platform.

We would be very grateful for any ideas on how we can resolve this issue.

in General Discussion by Rafal K. (100 points)

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